A limited liability company or “LLC” is a form of business entity often used to hold business or investment assets, particularly if the asset presents some financial risk to the owner. For example, an individual purchasing a duplex to rent out might set up an LLC to hold title to the duplex in order to …
Tax Increment Financing (TIF): What is it and how does it affect new developments?
If you have walked in downtown Duluth in recent months, you may have noticed the two large tower cranes swinging impressively overhead. You may have wondered, how do developers pay for such expensive projects, or why did they choose this location? Of course, financing for such projects is complex and comes from many sources, but …
Tax Increment Financing (TIF): What is it and how does it affect new developments?Read More
Estate Planning and Retirement Benefits
One of the final steps in completing an estate plan is to review and revise beneficiary designation forms for retirement accounts and other assets. This article focuses on appropriately naming a beneficiary for a qualified retirement plan. Often times, the answer to the question: “who should be the beneficiary of my retirement account?” is not …